Department №40

The International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICCPA-2015)

The International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICCPA-2015) was held under the auspices of the Center of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» from October 5 to 10, 2015. The CFR engages researches in the high energy physics field, combining direction «Gravitation and Cosmology», «Particle Physics», «Extreme Conditions», «Experiments and detectors» and «Astrophysics».

The conference was held at the «Milan Hotel» in the vicinity of the National Research Nuclear University «Moscow Engineering Physics Institute» (MEPhI) and close to one of the most scenic places in Moscow - museum-estate «Kolomenskoye». The main conference objectives were maintenance and development of international cooperation, exchange of ideas and experiences in experimental and theoretical particle physics and astrophysics.

The conference started with a welcoming speech of NRNU MEPhI vice-rector O.V. Nagornov and head of CFR and conference chairman S.G.Rubin. They expressed confidence in fruitful and constructive work and in international contacts improvement during the conference. International advisory committee consisted from eminent Russian and foreign scientists: A. Galper (MEPhI), A. Petrukhin (MEPhI), M. Skorokhvatov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", MEPhI), M. Danilov (ITEP, MEPhI), V. Dmitrenko (MEPhI), Yu. Kudenko (INR RAS), E. Troitskaya (SINP MSU), P. Berghaus (DESY, Germany), R. Konoplich (NYU, USA), J. Fabris (UFES, Brazil), M. Khlopov (APC, France, MEPhI), P. Picozza (University Tor Vergata Rome, Italy) , C. Spiering (DESY, Germany), A. Vacchi (INFN, Italy), Y. Suvorov (UCLA, USA).

Vice-Rector of MEPhI O.V.Nagornov with his welcome speech

The working part of the conference began with a plenary session, where leading scientists presented the latest results of their collaborations and discussed the possibilities and prospects of international cooperation with Russia. After the plenary part conference was divided into parallel sections, each was devoted to a specific topic: cosmic rays, nuclear physics and particle physics, methods of experimental physics.

Sections reports covered the latest developments in the field of silicon photomultipliers (Silicon PhotoMultipliers, SIPM), new modeling methods in particle physics. Neutrino experiments were also discussed - including Russian Emission Detector «RED-100», which is developing with active participation of MEPhI in conjunction with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A number of papers were dedicated to the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Review reports about the Higgs boson properties studying and the latest results of physical tests about the Standard Model by ATLAS and CMS, experiments were presented. Also there were reported about ATLAS and ALICE upgrading works. Experiments TAIGA (Tunkinsky improved detector for cosmic rays study and gamma-ray astronomy) and BoreXino SOX (short-distance neutrino oscillations on BoreXino) made their status-reports.

Professor Daniela M. Rebuzzi talking about the Higgs boson properties studying in the ATLAS experiment (interview with Daniela read in our next news)

Audience listening to prof. Marco Pallavicini speech 

Also on the conference theoretical researches which directly related to the current experiments and activities and which may serve as a basis for the future experiments were presented. There were the following topics: UL (2) ⨂UR (2) Model of electroweak interactions in the framework of the Standard Model, the hierarchy problem and its solution, the violation of CPT-invariance and nonconservation of electric charge, the study of "wormholes" etc. Between the plenary and breakout sessions there was a presentation by CAEN Electronics - the leader in the field of equipment for the nuclear electronics. CAEN Electronics develops and produces devices for physical experiments, the production of additional equipment (power supplies and related equipment) and research in the field of IT-security. There were poster presentations in separate area simultaneously with plenary.

CAEN Electronics stand and developments

During the conference reports were made by large international collaborations:  PAMELA  ((Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light nuclei Astrophysics), SOX, ATLASCMSALICECOHERENTDarkSideRED-100IceCubeNEVODDAMA-Libra and others. 29 plenary, section 152 and 55 poster presentations were presented on a week. Active work at the conference did not prevent the participants from devoting enough time for informal communication. Banquet at the end of conference contributed to strengthening friendship between the entire scientific groups. Closing of the conference was held in a warm atmosphere and all the participants agreed to meet at ICPPA-2016 next year (announcement for ICPPA 2016 will be available on the next winter).

Discussion during plenary session

We look forward to the continuation of active international cooperation and hope that conference was interesting and fruitful for all participants. Interviews with participants read on our portal in the near future
