ALICE experiment

MEPhI has a long experience of successful participation in great international megaproject ALICE at CERN. Work is carried out in close collaboration with NRC "Kurchatov Institute" which is coordinator from Russia in this mega-project . Staff from "Kurchatov Institute" also take part in training of undergraduate and graduate students in MEPhI.
ALICE experiment was specially designed and developed for experiments in physics of nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN , which is a unique accelerator complex, providing the highest-energy collisions, achievable in terrestrial conditions. The main scientific goal of the experiment is a comprehensive study of the nature and properties of the new state of matter characterized by extremely high energy density, called as quark- gluon plasma . ALICE also studies the proton- proton collisions, firstly for comparison with the nucleus-nucleus collisions, and also in areas where ALICE is competitive with other experiments at the LHC.
ALICE experiment was specially designed and developed for experiments in physics of nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN , which is a unique accelerator complex, providing the highest-energy collisions, achievable in terrestrial conditions. The main scientific goal of the experiment is a comprehensive study of the nature and properties of the new state of matter characterized by extremely high energy density, called as quark- gluon plasma . ALICE also studies the proton- proton collisions, firstly for comparison with the nucleus-nucleus collisions, and also in areas where ALICE is competitive with other experiments at the LHC.
MEPhI and Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" had greatly contributed to the creation of ALICE experiment and take an active part in work of collaboration now. One of the key detectors (new generation precision photon spectrometer PHOS based on new heavy scintillators of tungstate-lead crystals) was created under the guidance of NRC "Kurchatov Institute". MEPhI played a leading role in the development and creation of start trigger detector in ALICE (T0 detector) based on Russian magnet-persistent photomultipliers FEU- 187. Russian specialists provide support for these detectors in the experiments. They are also responsible for the processing and analysis of the experimental data. Students and graduates from MEPhI are widely involved in the processing and analysis of data.
Contact Person:
Manko Vladislav