Department №40

Skorokhvatov Mikhail » Staff

Organization: Kurchatov Institute / part-time worker in NRNU MEPhI Department. № 40

Position: head of department

Degree: doctor of physical and mathematical sciences / PhD (habilitated)

Areas of scientific research: particle physics, nuclear physics
Courses: Introduction to the profession

Scientific group: Neutrino physics

Additional information:

Skorokhvatov M.D. graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1973, the department 7.

Since 1973 he has been working at the Kurchatov Institute.

The main scientific work was devoted to investigation of the properties and interactions of neutrinos. The head of the Russian side of the international project Borexino.

Author and co-author of about 200 scientific papers.

In 1999 he defended his doctoral thesis.

The basic place of work: National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".

Position: Deputy Director of the Center for Basic Research.

Since 2011, Professor of Engineering Physics Institute, Head of Department 40.
