CMS experiment at LHC

Members of our group also heavily participate in service works at CMS. Main activity is focused on works on Hadronig Calorimeter subdetector (HCAL), on L1 and High Level Trigger (HLT).
In particular, we participated in ROBOX assembling (Read-Out BOX) at forward part of HCAL (HF), which are designed to read signal from detector front-end. Also members of our group participated in data certifications at HCAL, central shifts at P5 CMS, and study of radiation damage of HF.
As it was already mentioned MEPHI participate in development of CMS triggers, both L1 and HLT for QCD-processes. This includes determination of energy cuts, track multiplicities, particle identification, prescale factors and estimation of triggers' interplay in the identification of interesting processes. Since proton interactions at LHC produce extremely large amount of data at high rate (up to 40 MHz in 2015-2017) trigger parameters should be maximally optimized with respect to speed of trigger decision and purity of collected information.
Main research areas
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Dremin Igor