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The International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICCPA-2015) was held under the auspices of the Center of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» from October 5 to 10, 2015. The CFR engages researches in the high energy physics field, combining direction «Gravitation and Cosmology», «Particle Physics», «Extreme Conditions», «Experiments and detectors» and «Astrophysics».
The conference was held at the «Milan Hotel» in the vicinity of the National Research Nuclear University «Moscow Engineering Physics Institute» (MEPhI) and close to one of the most scenic places in Moscow - museum-estate «Kolomenskoye». The main conference objectives were maintenance and development of international cooperation, exchange of ideas and experiences in experimental and theoretical particle physics and astrophysics.
The conference started with a welcoming speech of NRNU MEPhI vice-rector O.V. Nagornov and head of CFR and conference chairman S.G.Rubin. They expressed confidence in fruitful and constructive work and in international contacts improvement during the conference. International advisory committee consisted from eminent Russian and foreign scientists: A. Galper (MEPhI), A. Petrukhin (MEPhI), M. Skorokhvatov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", MEPhI), M. Danilov (ITEP, MEPhI), V. Dmitrenko (MEPhI), Yu. Kudenko (INR RAS), E. Troitskaya (SINP MSU), P. Berghaus (DESY, Germany), R. Konoplich (NYU, USA), J. Fabris (UFES, Brazil), M. Khlopov (APC, France, MEPhI), P. Picozza (University Tor Vergata Rome, Italy) , C. Spiering (DESY, Germany), A. Vacchi (INFN, Italy), Y. Suvorov (UCLA, USA).
Vice-Rector of MEPhI O.V.Nagornov with his welcome speech
The working part of the conference began with a plenary session, where leading scientists presented the latest results of their collaborations and discussed the possibilities and prospects of international cooperation with Russia. After the plenary part conference was divided into parallel sections, each was devoted to a specific topic: cosmic rays, nuclear physics and particle physics, methods of experimental physics.
Sections reports covered the latest developments in the field of silicon photomultipliers (Silicon PhotoMultipliers, SIPM), new modeling methods in particle physics. Neutrino experiments were also discussed - including Russian Emission Detector «RED-100», which is developing with active participation of MEPhI in conjunction with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A number of papers were dedicated to the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Review reports about the Higgs boson properties studying and the latest results of physical tests about the Standard Model by ATLAS and CMS, experiments were presented. Also there were reported about ATLAS and ALICE upgrading works. Experiments TAIGA (Tunkinsky improved detector for cosmic rays study and gamma-ray astronomy) and BoreXino SOX (short-distance neutrino oscillations on BoreXino) made their status-reports.
Professor Daniela M. Rebuzzi talking about the Higgs boson properties studying in the ATLAS experiment (interview with Daniela read in our next news)
Audience listening to prof. Marco Pallavicini speech
Also on the conference theoretical researches which directly related to the current experiments and activities and which may serve as a basis for the future experiments were presented. There were the following topics: UL (2) ⨂UR (2) Model of electroweak interactions in the framework of the Standard Model, the hierarchy problem and its solution, the violation of CPT-invariance and nonconservation of electric charge, the study of "wormholes" etc. Between the plenary and breakout sessions there was a presentation by CAEN Electronics - the leader in the field of equipment for the nuclear electronics. CAEN Electronics develops and produces devices for physical experiments, the production of additional equipment (power supplies and related equipment) and research in the field of IT-security. There were poster presentations in separate area simultaneously with plenary.
CAEN Electronics stand and developments
During the conference reports were made by large international collaborations: PAMELA ((Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light nuclei Astrophysics), SOX, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, COHERENT, DarkSide, RED-100, IceCube, NEVOD, DAMA-Libra and others. 29 plenary, section 152 and 55 poster presentations were presented on a week. Active work at the conference did not prevent the participants from devoting enough time for informal communication. Banquet at the end of conference contributed to strengthening friendship between the entire scientific groups. Closing of the conference was held in a warm atmosphere and all the participants agreed to meet at ICPPA-2016 next year (announcement for ICPPA 2016 will be available on the next winter).
Discussion during plenary session
We look forward to the continuation of active international cooperation and hope that conference was interesting and fruitful for all participants. Interviews with participants read on our portal in the near future

International cooperation is one of the most important items in the scientific area. Large modern physical experiments can not be created by the efforts of the one university; such projects require a large and stable financing and experts experience from different fields. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" actively supports international connection. There are many foreign professors among university staff. Our center of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics (CFR) has remarkable team of scientists including several foreign professors.
Prof. Patrick Berghaus has been a member of the IceCube collaboration since 2004. He is currently working in the Research and Education Center NEVOD (Muon Water Detector). Patrick Berghaus has been involved in data analysis, in particular the measurement of atmospheric muons spectrum and study of charmed hadron contribution to cosmic ray air showers. From 2010 to 2013 Prof. Berghaus headed the Muon Research group and continued his work on the development of analysis methods in IceCube. At the moment Prof. Berghaus participates in several projects at MEPhI, the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) and the IceCube collaboration.
Prof. Piero Spillantini is a member of Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) collaboration and one of the creators of Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET). Prof. Piero Spillantini works in the Department «Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics» (№7). Prof. Spillantini group studies magnetosphere effects as part of the PAMELA experiment and takes an active part in the "Gamma Astronomical Multifunctional Modular Apparatus" (GAMMA 400) project.
We look forward for future international cooperation and hope that collaboration with experts from other countries will be useful and interesting for both sides.

ICPPA 2015
International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics
October 5-10, 2015
Moscow, Russia
The International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2015) will be held in Moscow, Russia, from October 5 to 10, 2015. The conference is organized by Center of Basic Research and Particle Physics of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”. The aim of the Conference is to promote contacts between scientists and development of new ideas in fundamental research. Therefore we will bring together experts and young scientists working on experimental and theoretical aspects of nuclear, particle, astroparticle physics and cosmology.
Scientific program of the conference will cover the following topics: nuclear physics and particle physics, cosmic ray, methods of experimental physics.
The ICPPA-2015 conference has a specific format, including invited lectures (30 min) and contributed talks (10-15 min). Conference committee enables remote participation in most of its events and meetings. Registration and abstract deadline – 10 September 2015.
The following distinguished scientists have already expressed their desire to present talks at the conference:
P. Berghaus, DESY, D-15735 Zeuthen,
J. Fabris, UFES, Brasil,
R. Konoplich, NYU, New York, USA
P. Picozza University Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
C. Spiering, DESY, D-15735 Zeuthen, Germany
Y. Suvorov, University of California Los Ahgeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA
A. Vacchi INFN, Triest, Italy
More information about the conference is available on the conference website
Email: incos_mephi@mail.ru

Ekaterina Kozlova 3rd year student of department 40 tells us about her diploma study.
Neutrino physics is rightfully one of the most fascinating and mysterious part of modern physics. Neutrino research is interesting not only in terms of neutrino astronomy, but also in terms of fundamental physics, it refers to the confirmation or refutation of some aspects of the Standard Model .
In one of the international experiments devoted to the study of neutrinos “RED - 100” , MEPhI actively participates in conjunction with Oak Ridge National Laboratory , USA. “RED-100” is new generation two-phase emission detector that will be used for
registration of coherent neutrino scattering effect - the fundamental physical process - occurring within the Standard Model of electroweak interactions.
This effect has never been observed in practice because of the very small nuclear recoil energy, for example, expected energy of xenon nuclears is less than 1 keV. Registration of that effect will confirm the predictions of the Standard Model of electroweak interactions. If the result would be different from the predicted, that fact may be a sign for physics beyond the Standard Model.
Detector infrastructure.
Now I have a unique opportunity to finish my diploma on the basis of this experiment. The main goal of my work is to assemble the internal parts of the detector, prepare the machinery and build details – for example, thermal bridges – they had demanded establishment directly in the laboratory because it was impossible to predict their exact shape, and there was a necessity to create them from material amenable to elastic deformation (we used copper foil).Inside view of the detector in work-in-progress.
After session on the Spallation Neutrino Source at Oak Ridge detector is planned to carry to the Kalinin nuclear power plant station - for researching practical possibilities of its use (for instance, early accident registration).

National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) co-operate closely with international research organizations. A good example is the cooperation MEPhI with the European Centre for Nuclear Research CERN in Switzerland and studying neutrino oscillation experiment T2K (Tokai to Kamiokande) KEK in Japan.
Every year MEPhI students take part in the international experiments and 2015th year was not an exception to the rule. This year three students of the department "Elementary Particle Physics" held their practice working in major collaborations of high energy physics. These trips became possible thanks to the program “Improving competitiveness” (PKC) MEPhI. Young scientists told about their internships.
Daniil Ponomarenko (department 40):
This is my second visit to CERN. The first one was last year as a part of the CERN summer student programme and it lasted two months. Now, I came for three months thanks to the programme PKC MEPhI.
During this time I was able to do a tremendous amount of work on the analysis of the transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma. The idea is simple: to measure the angular distribution of charged particles with respect to the trigger particles, which is chosen as a neutral meson with the largest transverse momentum in a collision. This trigger meson corresponds to the jet borned by parton which beg hot matter. Also second partner parton taking off in the opposite direction and usually runs a longer distance in the quark-gluon plasma, rescatter and creates reverse stream with other energy and angular distribution of charged hadrons. Comparing the results for different types of collisions such as pp, pPb and PbPb we can find more information about such effects as the jet quenching, the interaction of partons with hot medium, to measure the viscosity and fluidity of fireball and, hence, provide new data for tests of QCD theories. Every week I took part in meetings with colleagues from the collaboration in oder to discuss current results and to make decisions about the future plans. I was at the ALICE week (aliceinfo.cern.ch) - when during one week all groups of the ALICE experiment presented their results to the whole collaboration. Also, there were organized lectures and seminars where experts shared experience with newcomers. I particularly liked the course on working with the software AliROOT. The CERN is the place where there is a large number of people who made a significant contribution to the development of elementary particle physics. This June I was lucky to have a dinner with the former speaker of the ATLAS collaboration Peter Jenny. He told about the history of the LHC, about the difficulties that was overcomed and strategies for solving problems during the construction of the detector. He noted the great contribution to the TRT detector development from MEPhI. Also, I was lucky to be a part of the team of operators of the ALICE experiment in the control room as a DCS shifter (Detector Control System Shifter) in the day when LHC provided first stable beams at an energy of 13 TeV in this season. The result of my three-month work was the preparation and successful defense of master's thesis in the department №40 "Elementary Particle Physics"
I am glad that I had an opportunity to gain invaluable experience and skills in a place like CERN. I found a lot of new friends and acquaintances in the field of experimental and theoretical high energy physics!
Nadezda Proklova (department 40):
It was November when I was told about a chance to go to CERN. A new program of foreign traineeship was provided by my home institute MEPhI. I was quite excited because going to CERN has been my wish since the first year of my education at MEPhI. Since the very beginning I found myself in a maelstrom of interesting events - I started to work on interesting project, have various and very useful discussions with my new colleagues and performed on different meetings. My research project was about the study of various background processes that occur in the misidentification of hadron jets as photons and also I studied different methods of such background estimation.
Three months were extremely intensive and flew like a one flash. I managed to take part in the construction and debugging of test detector of our TRT group, which is located on line of the beam in the SPS ring and where we tested different gas mixtures that are needed for TRT detector. I also performed as a Detector Control System Shifter on the test beam during preparation for the second Run of the LHC (Run2). I also spoke at one of the major meeting of the ATLAS collaboration, where I received positive feedback about my work, I met lots of interesting people who were able to help me in my study which is now dedicated to photon identification in process of Z boson radiative decay into leptons, using data from Run2. I was prepairing and writing of my master thesis in an “emergency mode”, participating at the meetings of my working group at the same time. With the support of my colleagues and my classmates I was able to succeed in everything and I defended my thesis with excellent grade.
During my traineeship I was fortunate to meet lots of wonderful people from the ALICE,the CMS and the LHCb experiments, to plunge into indescribable atmosphere of universal focus on a common goal - to learn more about the structure of our world, to see with my own eyes the creation of detectors for new experiments, including Neutrino Research Experiment. I hope with all my heart to be able to return back to CERN.
Tatiana Ovsiannikova (department 40):
My Master degree at MEPhI took place at HEP department of INR on the international experiment studying neutrino oscillations, T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) KEK.
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino experiment in Japan, T2K studies neutrino oscillations with two separate detectors (ND280,INGRID,MUMON) and far (Super-Kamiokande), both of which are 2.5 degrees away from the center of the neutrino beam which is produced by the proton accelerator J-PARC (Tokai, Japan).
I have been in Japan several times to participate T2K collaboration meetings with my supervisor-professor at MEPhI Yu. G Kudenko and other students from our laboratory. But for me this internship in Japan was a good chance to work during a long period on a new project WAGASCI (Water-Grid-Scintillator-Detector) under the leadership of research assistant at INR and concurrently at the Tokyo University A. Izmailov.
The WAGASCI project was proposed by professor of Kyoto University Akira Minamino, this project is designed to reduce main systematic uncertainties of the T2K oscillation analysis, which are related to the dependence of target nuclei in the near and far detectors. The idea of the experiment is to measure the water to hydrocarbon cross section ratio. It is not accidentally that experiment is called "WAGASCI", because "Wagasci" is the name of traditional Japanese boxes for sweets, boxes look like a lot of square cells. That grid structure will be used for 3d grid-like scintillator bar design of the central part. My studies on this project is related to modeling and reconstruction of the neutrino interactions in the detector WAGASCI.
It was very interesting to work on my master's thesis on the WAGASCI project, and I hope that I would be able to continue this studies in the future. In addition to my studies I was able to participate in anti-neutrino data taking part on the ND280 near the detector as DAQ shifter and attend the T2K collaboration meeting. During the internship the pleasant surprises for me were Japanese language classes. They were organized by KEK and also a lot of invitations for tours of Ibaraki Prefecture.
I am very grateful to MEPhI and the department of "Elementary Particle Physics" for the opportunity to visit and work in such an amazing and beautiful country.

Humanity was thinking about the structure of the world since ancient times. There were a lot of attempts from the onset of physics to investigate the mysteries of the Universe. As physics developed, the picture of the world also expanded and a lot of new branches of physics were created. Some of these branches, for example, particle physics, opened entirely new chapters in the formation of the human knowledge.
In the 21st century the society talks about actually the most ambitious experiment in the history of the mankind – Large Hadron Collider. LHC bases in territory of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the border between Switzerland and France. Now accelerator systems are being modernized and the result of this work will allow to start a new era in the study of the matter structure. Proton beams energy will increase from 8 TeV to 13 TeV, as well as the luminosity (the amount of collected data). All these changes will allow both to develop physical analyses such as Higgs boson study, and make steps into the unknown. About 25 petabytes of information had already been collected by 2011, which exceeds the so-called «Internet Archive» (10 petabytes). After upgrade these figures will increase significantly. The accelerator complex was stopped for more than a year to prepare the detectors systems to work under these new conditions.
Now members of particle physics department are working on upgrade of some ATLAS experiment systems: Transition Radiation Tracker (ATLAS TRT) and muon spectrometer’s testing system. We asked our colleagues to tell us about upgrade works in CERN – Konstantin Vorobev, Petr Teterin and Konstantin Filippov – to learn everything at first hand.
Konstantin Vorobev. Detector testing laboratory. Geneva, CERN.
Konstantin introduced us to some details of modernization. ATLAS TRT, which is a part of the ATLAS Inner Detector, is used to register particles' tracks and to measure their momenta. Generally, one of the main tasks of TRT is to identify the particles by using the transition radiation, which occurs when relativistic particle passes through the boundary between two media with different permittivity values.
TRT is a brainchild of NRNU MEPhI and has no analogues in the world. TRT is a unique device since it operates under unprecedented conditions compared to other gas detectors. 10 billion particles are produced every second at the LHC. This is several hundreds more than in any previous experiments. These conditions put severe constraints on detector operation speed, positional resolution and reliability.
The special gas mixtures are used as a working substance in this detector and they were modernized during accelerator shutdown. Some details on this modernization (learnt from Konstantin) are given below in italics.
These studies and upgrades are expected to allow the detector to maintain its performance under the LHC extreme conditions.
The Xe+CO2+CF4 mixture was originally intended to be used in TRT, but the presence of the glass wire holder required to replace that additive (CF4). Then it was decided to use new gas mixture: Xe+CO2+O2 (70%/27%/3% respectively). Oxygen additive is very important – it ensures the detector stability. However, the ozone is produced under the influence of large doses of irradiation, which leads to the destruction of gas tubes in the points of mechanical stress and, thus, to the working gas losses. This phenomenon was observed in the first session of TRT operation in 2012.
Ozone formation and electronics response studies in various gas mixtures were performed. Also simulation of detector (with Garfield software used) was conducted.
Another important direction of the work carried out now in CERN is a development of methods for testing new detectors. These detectors will be used in the next session of the accelerator operation. Petr Teterin (PhD, head engineer) and Konstantin Filippov (engineer) of dep. #40 introduced us to the development of methods to test the new muon spectrometer in the ATLAS experiment.
Petr Teterin. Detector testing laboratory. Geneva, CERN.
The main advantages of new spectrometer are its abilities to work at an increased background radiation level with a high spatial precision, which is very important in anticipation of the LHC increasing energy and luminosity. NRNU MEPhI group is working on the development of the methods to test new detectors. Again, the technical details about this stage of modernization are given in italics.
Presently, studies of chambers responses under X-ray radiation are performed, map of currents is drafted and defective zones are searched for. Eventually, all this must be automated and integrated into a single unit. In this case, the test result is of special interest: search for defective “hot spots”, their classification, and observe the general state of the detector. Using these maps we can see how camera walls are deformed. Also we can observe various construction elements and how neatly they were made. This study is useful to improve the detectors production techniques. As for the “hot spots”, in some of them a self-sustaining discharge may occur when the irradiation is already off, but the discharge at high voltage is still on. Those spots have to be found. Unlike other working groups, we are exploring the detector without the readout electronics, just measuring the leakage currents during the irradiation.
Konstantin Filippov. Detector testing laboratory. Geneva, CERN.
We check up two methods of detectors testing: continuous scanning, i.e. camera movements under X-ray radiation or scan pointwise, i.e. scanning each spot with some fixed time. Using a steel frame with a moving carriage with installed X-ray tube on that (i.e. “scanner”), we are able to work at movements of the carriage.
Besides, our engineers deal with radiation safety: it's important because the developed systems will be used by other institutions, laboratories, and this will require to submit an opinion about radiation safety, make a map where all necessary details are shown.
We wish good luck to our colleagues in their future work and we hope the LHC will soon run at its full capacity and for new discoveries.
National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) works in close cooperation with international scientific centers. Longstanding collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is a perfect example of such cooperation. MEPhI students take part in CERN programs every year. This summer, three students did their practical work in the largest high-energy physics collaboration astride the border of Switzerland and France. An intensive work in MEPhI preceded their visits since only the best students are given an opportunity to represent our institute in the cutting-edge research activities. We asked Svetlana Vdovkina (T8-40), Nikita Belyaev (T10-40) and Daniil Ponomarenko (T2-40M) to tell us a few words about their visit at CERN.
Left: Nikita, Svetlana and Daniil in the CERN main auditorium, where lectures for students were held. Right: Svetlana and Nikita at the CERN main entrance.
This year I went to the CERN Summer Student Programme. Students of the Elementary Particles Physics department #40 take part in it every year. It was my first time at CERN and in an international organization in general. I am working in a group, which analyzes data in the ATLAS experiment. Numerous theories of physics beyond the Standard Model predict various types of stable exotic objects. Some examples include magnetic monopoles, others predict the existence of Q-balls. These objects manifest themselves in the detectors as highly ionizing particles with charge |q| > 1e. An observation of stable highly ionizing particles possessing an electric charge above the elementary charge could be a signature for physics beyond the Standard Model. Our working group is searching for these very particles. During my summer internship, I was analyzing variables, which can be used to distinguish Q-balls from muons with an electromagnetic or hadronic shower nearby. This study is a continuation of my MEPhI research project I was working on under supervision of associate prof. Oleg Bulekov.
Svetlana is doing a practical work searching for cosmic particles tracks with other students.
I have got an invaluable experience of working in the international organization, met a lot of interesting people, learned about educational process in other countries. I will remember this inexpressible atmosphere of science and friendship for a long time.
LHC underground visits were the most interesting events. Besides huge ATLAS and CMS detectors, I managed to look into the LHC superconducting magnet and to assemble a Wilson chamber, an elementary particles detector prototype. Enormous, complex but perfectly organized scientific collaboration from all over the world is really impressive! Here at the summer school there is no place for boredom, and everybody is so amazing! I will never forget all the cheerful adventures, which happened during two summer months.
I never hesitated to participate in the Summer Student Programme. I heard about it when students from my home university participated in this program and told me that it would be a good experience for me too. After a few discussions with them and my professors, I decided to apply for a summer in the Mecca of modern physics. My bachelor degree was devoted to electromagnetic showers modeling in the PHOS calorimeter using Geant4 package while my master thesis is about analyzing data from the ALICE experiment under supervision of Dmitry Blau and Dmitry Peressounko. Here at CERN, my project is focused on studying correlations between π0 and charged hadrons with PHOS, one of the ALICE detectors. I hope that the results of this analysis will help to improve our understanding of the strongly-interacting nuclear matter properties, the deconfined state of quarks and gluons, created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. CERN is an amazing place! There are so many people carried away by physics. Professors from all over the world gave lectures in various fields of science. We had all the conditions needed to succeed in work at CERN. My most favorite place at CERN is Restaurant 1. Big and comfortable tables, glass walls which provide you with good view to Montblanc and airport glissade, fast Wi-Fi, research atmosphere - all this increased my efficiency. Finally, I saw the PHOS detectors modules that were designed and constructed by NRC "Kurchatov Institute" team. Moreover, I took the opportunity to visit the LHC experiments. Thanks to Michael Weber for organizing a great visit to ALICE! I also visited the ALICE, CMS and ATLAS experiments. They are so big and so complicated. Everything I saw lived up all my expectations.
Daniil attending a lecture in the main auditorium.
During my stay at CERN I made a lot of new friends. We went for a trip in Montreux, hiked in mountains, searched for summer student temple in CERN basement, swam in Geneva lake and much more. Our team took part in the WebFest. We developed a framework for automatic studying and correlation building practically in all types of data: music, pictures, text files. We did not win, but I received new knowledge about application development and found contact with OpenLab students. Hopefully, our team will continue to work under this project. By the way, it can help us to keep in touch. Finally, I will always remember the people whom I met here at CERN. Communication with them blasted my mind. I will also remember the friendly atmosphere in the circle of amazing people from all over the world and the spirit of cutting-edge research.
My first research work related to CERN started in autumn of 2012, when I first met my supervisor – Rostislav Konoplich. The studies were conducted as part of the ATLAS collaboration research program and were devoted to the study of the Higgs boson properties. I was interested in a high-energy physics for a long time so my work has captivated me quickly. In the summer of 2013 I was invited to CERN to participate in the Summer Student Programme, so I was really happy because I dreamed about it a lot. I had the opportunity to work with the world’s leading experts in the high energy physics field, to see the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb detectors, to visit the most beautiful places in Switzerland and France during the weekends. My scientific work during the Summer School has been devoted to the modeling of processes for TLEP and LEP3 colliders, which are currently considered as a future alternative to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) immediately after the completion of its research program. These colliders will work on high-energy electron-positron beams that will allow us to study the properties of the new scalar boson in much more details. The discovery of this boson at the LHC was announced in summer of 2012.
Nikita against the ATLAS detector during a visit organized for students.
This year I started doing my qualification task in ATLAS. A successful completion of this task will make me a full member of the collaboration. The aim of this work is to develop and support TRT PID tool - a software package for electrons identification in the transition radiation tracker.
A lot of interesting events, lectures and visits were organized during the summer school. In particular, I remember a workshop with students assembling small Wilson chambers. It was very interesting to observe cosmic rays particles leaving tracks after decaying or traversing the whole chamber. Besides, the chamber design was very simple, so I assembled a similar chamber at home myself and carried out some little experiments afterwards.
Text by Dimitriy Krasnopevtsev

Svadkovsky I.V., lecturer (Department 40) successfully defended his thesis for the PhD degree on the theme "Cosmological manifestations of multidimensional gravity."
Сongratulations to Igor Vitalyevich!

On 26th of December, 2013 in NRNU MEPhI at the "Elementary Particle Physics" department's seminar on high energy physics, the member of the Weizmann University of Science, collaborator ATLAS and PHENIX experiments, Alexander Milov hold a lecture "Introduction to relativistic heavy ion physics."
The lecture was attended by students and staff of departments N 7, 11, 40 and other units of the NRNU MEPhI.
Photos from the lecture: